Appreciation of Women Who Blog


I am a 45 year old man which you would think I would be inspired by sports, cars and that sort of thing. Those things I do find interesting but when it comes to blogging I gravitate to websites featuring beauty, fashion, cooking and “girly things”. Yes I am not their target audience, but I think inspiration can come from surprising places. For me I enjoy the company of great women in my life, I find I relate better to women. Online this extends to my appreciation of women who blog.

This is not to say that men can’t get just as geeky but I just like the way women communicate online. I was raised by some great women so I am comfortable in learning more about the things women like. Visually the color and content of women who blog is very interesting. In my mind it transcends the traditional gender interests into something unique and personal. Yes my dude card was handed in years ago. I am not ashamed of that.

Perhaps its like that movie with Mel Gibson “What Women Want”. Gibson’s character had to understand women in order to speak to them in advertising. All men should seek to understand the things women like and what they think in order to have a better relationships and friendships with our wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, friends. There are differences and knowing what they are can build bridges of understanding and reduce conflict.

I have always thought that fangirls are a great force for good in the world so I want to emulate that a little in what I do. So I look forward to exploring some great blogs written by some passionate people who just happen to be women. Thank you for putting up with a curious dude.

Happy Friday Good People!


It’s finally Friday, thank goodness. Today wraps up a busy week at work and in other parts of life. The week has been a good one I think. My weekend will be a little busy but that is alright. In a way its sad to live for the weekends but sometimes we are in that place where we need to chill out. Lets have a happy Friday and a happier weekend.

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The Old Guy, The Younger Follower, How Does This Work?


I am a middle-aged dork and it always amazes me when I get younger followers. Many of them are like half my age. I am not all that cool y’all. Sometimes my efforts to be relevant come across as being silly or head shaking. Maybe people like genuine people no matter what time of life they are in.

Thanks for your interest and friendship anyway.

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It’s Friday!


Hello good people, the new day is upon us and the birds are chirping…OK enough of that mushy stuff. It is Friday here in America and it means for many of us the weekend is here. Its amazing how fast Friday can get here sometimes but others it can’t get here fast enough. Today is payday so I am jazzed about that.

Lets finish strong and do good things today. Whatever you are doing today make it…

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Time Does March On


Yesterday can feel like last week. Last week can feel like last month, last month can feel like six months ago, a year can feel like and eternity. When it comes to time it is indeed hard to believe how fast it goes. We are never standing still, always moving, always changing. Time does march on and we are always on the move. So when you think about it we are all time travelers.

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My Experiment With WordPress


I am experimenting with WordPress the popular blogging platform. My reason for doing so is to see how it works as a social blogging system. I will share my findings with you and let you know what my experience is. Some day we might have to migrate there because Tumblr could radically be different because of Yahoo. My advice is to open a blog there and test it for yourself. Stay tuned for more information.

Writing For The Social Masses


I wonder if social media, texting and other forms of electronic communications have impacted our writing quality? It seems like it to me because of the shorthand and abbreviations that are used. We write for short lengths and have to get our point across sooner or else we lose the attention of our audience. We are writing more for the social masses which means we sometimes forget what we learned in our writing classes. What is your experience with this?


Something Retro, Something Blue – I am not talking about the TARDIS from Doctor Who, although it could apply here. In this case I am talking about my blog which now sports the Redux theme that was the long time default theme for new Tumblr users.

I am using a blue scheme for the text and background while implimenting a “typewriter” style typeface. I increased the font sizes on the main body and on the sidebar. The sidebar features icons to my other social sites and a Twitter widget. I removed the stock Twitter feed because it doesn’t work well and looked ugly if you ask me. There are also links to pages and other content on the blog too. I still have some further tweaking to do but this should serve me well for awhile.

Retro still gets the job done if you ask me. Keep on blogging my good people. Make blogging fun again!