Happy Friday Good People!


It’s finally Friday, thank goodness. Today wraps up a busy week at work and in other parts of life. The week has been a good one I think. My weekend will be a little busy but that is alright. In a way its sad to live for the weekends but sometimes we are in that place where we need to chill out. Lets have a happy Friday and a happier weekend.

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It’s Friday!


Hello good people, the new day is upon us and the birds are chirping…OK enough of that mushy stuff. It is Friday here in America and it means for many of us the weekend is here. Its amazing how fast Friday can get here sometimes but others it can’t get here fast enough. Today is payday so I am jazzed about that.

Lets finish strong and do good things today. Whatever you are doing today make it…

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Friday, January 16, 2015


Ice, ice, baby! This morning we had some black ice on the roads which made it difficult for some to get to work. I was even late because I had to scrape my windshield and get off our hill slowly. Schools delayed and closed for the day to be safe. It is cold this morning but the day will get warmer as we go along. Fortunately the Sun is shining and the ice won’t be a long-term problem. 

Tonight for date night we are headed to Red Ginger Bistro for more quality Asian food, they serve Chinese, Japanese and Thai all under one roof. We will be having sushi most likely too. We will do a movie in watching “Jersey Boys”.

It is hard to believe its Friday and the week seemed to go by quickly. We are removed from the hectic nature of the holiday’s and engaging in regular routines which is nice. Although I miss the color of the holidays. Lets see how the day goes. Be safe, do good. Make it a great one my friends.

Grace and Peace to you all


A Good Friday Evening


i am glad the week has come to an end. At work I have worked some overtime to help with our production levels and I hope we did some good this week. Tonight we had a shrimp dinner with tater tots and slaw. We watched the movie “The Giver” and enjoyed it the second go around.

I am tired and I am very glad to sleep in some tomorrow. Friends I hope you are having a good Friday evening. Wow did I say I am tired.

How You Start


I always say its not how you start but how you finish that matters. Some days how you start can color your attitude towards it all. I hope my day will indeed finish strong. Maybe the week is catching up with me.